2008年10月16日 星期四

La Brasserie@ Marco Polo Gateway Hotel

La Brasserie 位於港威酒店大堂地下,  呢間餐廳好似係香港唯一有血鴨食的地方. 但我地是晚無點到, 由於大家對呢樣野無乜興趣

平時去呢間野到食飯都唔會平, 但係去到我地發覺有任點Appertizers, Main Course & Desserts 都係$389/ head . if you add $80, you can have free house wine.

首先來個bread, 附加牛油同tuna 醬, d bread 好新鮮, 好好味.

餐湯有5個choice, 分別為 Onion soup, Lobster Bisque, Fish Shop, Tomato Soup &Cream of Mushroom

我choice 咗 lobster bisque, 好好飲, 好有龍蝦味, 但無龍蝦肉


Appertizers 有十幾樣野選, 我地點咗 two scallops with lobster sauce, six snails in garlic butter, pan seared duck foie gras with fig chutney


Main course 都係有十幾樣野choice, we ordered :-

braised beef cheek in red win sauce - 牛肉唔錯, 幾好味


sauteed mussels in white wine sauce - 有好多mussel 都係未開的.. 唔知係未煮熟定係唔新鮮, 但個sauce 都幾好


grilled tuna fish with tomato saffron sauce - 我自己鐘意食生tuna 多過grilled tuna..不過都幾好


seafood bouillabaise - nothing special


sauteed shrimp in garlic butter - nothing special


pan seared cod fish with lemon/ sapers butter sauce - 呢個係咁多個菜中最好味的一個.. 可能係我自己鐘意食cod fish 啦


最後係甜品啦, chocolate fondant, vanilla cream brulee & mixed sherbet flavor. 3樣都好好味, esp 個 vanilla cream brulee  我地再order 多一客


最後hsbc card 有85折, 如何有白金card 有8折, 但d 部長態度好差, 一d 禮貌都無, 好似狗眼看人低. 佢地話曬都係5星酒店入面的餐廳丫, 呢方面真係要改善下

