2009年7月2日 星期四

囍之婚禮攝錄 -- 2號後選佳麗 Ray Chui

Ray Chui 佢响入咗2009 ESD新人最愛婚禮攝錄最後8強, 响esd life 係一致好評, 我都好鐘意佢d style, 好sweet 的感覺


我都好鐘意佢的風格, 仲有佢係wppi 同 wphk, 所以有一定的地位

Full Day Photojournalism Package (8:30a.m-11:30p.m)
A. Snap Shot Package ($15800)
- 1 standard photographer (digital)
- 1 snapshot photographer (digital)
- 1 videographer
- 1 assistant
- full set digital photo DVD
- Intraday photo slide show
- 1 set of editing DVD
- Full Day Video Hightlight
- marching-in slideshow

B. Snap Shot Full Package ($18800)
- 1 standard photographer (digital)
- 1 snapshot photographer (digital)
- 1 videographer
- 1 assistant
- full set digital photo DVD
- 20 pages 11x14 snap album or 40 pages coffee book
- Intraday photo slide show
- 1 set of editing DVD
- Full Day Video Hightlight
- marching-in slideshow clip
- master DV tape
- free overtime charge

Optional Items:
master DV tape (per set) - $500
same day video editing - $2000
Intraday summary slide show - $1000
overtime charge per hour per staff - $200
photo print 4R - $2pcs
snap album 8"x12" - $2500
snap album 11"x14" - $3000
coffee book 10"x10" - $3000

明天約咗佢睇相, 希望有好收獲啦

2 則留言:

  1. 你啲資料應該啱好多人用~~
    [版主回覆07/03/2009 09:00:00]我都希望係.. budget 唔啱都唔洗睇相同問price.. 唔好waste time

  2. snapshot 影得好自然woo, 但都唔平, 原來結婚係咁貴.....
    [版主回覆07/03/2009 14:16:00]係丫.. 有要求都係麻煩d..
