2010年11月29日 星期一

Table Number

回到婚前一星期, 請咗一日假, 响屋企研究點用photoshop.

紙係响永信都買的, 佢地都有點兒那個, 星期六本來係收3點, 但係我2:50到達, 睇住佢地關門, 仲問我係咪急用, 我都已經話咗係, 但照走人, 咁問來仲乜

第二次 lunch time 特登座車去, 點知佢地話食緊飯, 要我等半個鐘.

我的主題係紫色+蝴蝶, 所以1ayout 都係用番butterfly. 多謝oliva幫我買呢個punch, 要不然都無當日的 table no.

呢個用photoshop 做出來的layout改咗好多次, 呢個係我自己比較滿意的一個, 因為唔識用photoshop 的關係, 都叫做ok啦. 自己都好滿意了.

而家先想起, 應該加番我地的名同日期.

7 則留言:

  1. 好靚呀!!! 係咪雙面架?
    [版主回覆11/30/2010 10:12:00]yes... 但兩面都係一樣

  2. 真係好靚呀!!!
    [版主回覆11/30/2010 12:30:00]多謝...

  3. This is already perfect, if you add name and date, will be too much. And besides I do not think ppl should overuse their names and dates in wedding, because since ppl show up, they already know who u are and what date it is. So why not concentrate on the design and ambience it creates rather than reminding ppl your names and date of event? :P

  4. 超靚呀@@~~~ 可以收$幫人整!
    [版主回覆12/01/2010 22:26:00]呢d 錢唔係咁易earn, cut 呢條花邊cut 到手都痛

  5. 嘩!好靚呀!
    [版主回覆12/02/2010 14:14:00]多謝

  6. Very Very Beautiful!!
    [版主回覆12/05/2010 09:30:00]Thanks~~~ 你日子差唔多到啦. add oil~

  7. 你呢個蝴蝶花邊table no.整得好靚靚啊!!!可以喺邊度買呢個punch呢??
    [版主回覆06/02/2011 14:39:00]我响我decoration house amor 到買的.
