2011年3月8日 星期二

Le Creuset Sales

Le Creuset 又有開倉啦... 地點如下, 呢個場比去酒店好好多.

Date & Time : 8 – 13 March 2011 (11am – 9pm)

Venue: Harbour City Bazaar, 3/F World Commerce Centre, 11 Canton Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon, Hong Kong (entrance next to G2000 Shop 2221-2)

我要去買支brush. 唔知有無呢??

話時話, 平底鑊係咪好難爆香d 食物架呢?? 定係我唔識用, 係咪要買番個中式鑊好d 呢?

2 則留言:

  1. 平底鑊啱煎野用, 炒野都係用中式鑊好d, 高身d,又無容易彈污糟個爐面~ 我通常煎野用平底鑊,炒野and 烚野用中式鑊, 其實我覺得2者都各有用處, 隻樣有一隻在家會方便d~^^
    [版主回覆03/10/2011 13:54:00]睇來我都係買番食中式鑊好d.

  2. weiwei, i wanna ask... how come u girls always spot sales of this brand? everytime i find out it's too late.....................
    [版主回覆03/14/2011 23:44:00]u can find the news from their blog.
    http://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/jw!V82QoGGeFRSWlq_08QJv4j1v_TM -
    條link clike 唔到去你就copy & paste 啦, 因為最後個"-" 唔知點解成日都link 唔到
